I work and write on climate change, climate finance and climate risk analytics

Category: GHG

All Quiet on the Western Front / Im Westen nichts Neues

Here is our op-ed (with @Ethemcan Turhan) published on 18 Nov in Hurriyet Daily News (with a changed title “Turkey and the Paris Climate Accord”).

Ayrıklaşma (decoupling) üzerine, berdevam…

Ayrıklaşma (decoupling) konusu bu günlerde gündemden düşmüyor. Bu nedenle daha önce bu konuda kaleme aldığım yazıları paylaşmak istedim.

Our New Book: 10 Stops for Climate Justice

My immense pleasure to share our new book “10 Stops for Climate Justice” (in Turkish) which consists of 10 short chapters that are hot & central to climate justice discussions particularly in the context of Paris Agreement era.

Co-authored Turkey’s First Comprehensive Sustainability Guide

An immense pleasure for me that I co-authored* Turkey’s first comprehensive sustainability guide (in Turkish) and it is published via Sustainable Development Association Turkey (SKD Türkiye). The guide offers introduction to 100 terms related with sustainability concept:

Climate Action Tracker (CAT) Assessment of Turkey’s INDC

Climate Action Tracker published the analysis of Turkey’s INDC as of 22 October 2015. I think this is a critical document for Turkish side and would be very useful for self evaluation. So, I decided to translate it into Turkish. Here it is, available for wider audience in Turkey. 

Turkey, INDC & Disappointment


Turkey’s delayed INDC raised questions and caused disappointment among the Turkish environmental NGOs & climate scientists. Me and Dr. Ethemcan Turhan analysed the document and wrote a piece (in Turkish) for the prominent on-line news portal www.diken.com.tr. We hope to publish an English version soon.

Turkey submits its INDC

For those who follow UNFCCC updates closely, you are all aware of the fact that INDCs submitted after 1 October 2015 will not be included in the UNFCCC synthesis report to COP21 (aka most critical climate summit of history). Till this moment 133 party submitted their climate action plans (INDC) ahead of the summit.

Update: Turkey & GHG inventory (1990-2013)

Turkstat released updated GHG inventory figures for Turkey. Calculations are now based on 2006 IPCC guidance:

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