Climate Action Tracker published the analysis of Turkey’s INDC as of 22 October 2015. I think this is a critical document for Turkish side and would be very useful for self evaluation. So, I decided to translate it into Turkish. Here it is, available for wider audience in Turkey.
Category: climate change Page 3 of 4
Me and my colleagues* just delivered a brief report on the new climate regime and what it means for business world (in Turkish). We undertook the assignment on behalf of Turkey’s prominent industrial conglomerate group consisting of 48 companies. The report remains internal and will not be disclosed.
* Thanks to dear colleagues who put great effort in the publication: Ethemcan Turhan, Mustafa Özgür Berke and Cem İskender Aydın.
I wrote a short article for the 56th issue of EKO IQ (Turkey’s foremost green business magazine) and argued that emission trading system is not the only policy option Turkey has. Priority should be given to regulatory mechanisms rather than market based ones if Turkey is to be progressive about its transition to a low carbon economy. Please continue to read more (in Turkish).
Turkey’s delayed INDC raised questions and caused disappointment among the Turkish environmental NGOs & climate scientists. Me and Dr. Ethemcan Turhan analysed the document and wrote a piece (in Turkish) for the prominent on-line news portal We hope to publish an English version soon.
For those who follow UNFCCC updates closely, you are all aware of the fact that INDCs submitted after 1 October 2015 will not be included in the UNFCCC synthesis report to COP21 (aka most critical climate summit of history). Till this moment 133 party submitted their climate action plans (INDC) ahead of the summit.
EKO IQ, Turkey’s first and foremost green business & life magazine generously published my reflections on the International Scientific Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” that took place at UNESCO and UPMC (Paris) in July 2015. This was the largest forum for the scientific community to come together ahead of the 21st UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP21).
As the issue is archived, the full text in Turkish is now available for free access.
English >> GAIA Dergi kindly published my reflections on Our Common Future Under Climate Change Conference took place in Paris. GAIA is Turkey’s emerging monthly magazine on ecology & sustainable living as well as a civic platform to promote biodiversity & rights for all species. I hope to contribute with monthly articles. Full text is available here (only in Turkish):
So there is this political cartoonist (a.k.a Polyp) I follow & appreciate. Strongly suggest you to visit his website. Well… Anyways. I disagree with one of his cartoons (called “steady as she goes”) and suggest an additional frame to the original one. I hope he won’t sue me (copyright section is not scary as I imagined).
The original cartoon is (briefly) about economic growth addiction & the policy makers’ inability to recognize the fact that we can’t grow infinitely on a physically finite planet.
EKO IQ, Turkey’s first and foremost green business & life magazine generously published my reflections on the International Scientific Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” that took place at UNESCO and UPMC (Paris) in July 2015. This was the largest forum for the scientific community to come together ahead of the 21st UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP21).
Our op-ed (drafted with Ethemcan) on Our Common Future Under Climate Change Conference that took place in Paris has been published at Zaman, a major newspaper with +740K daily circulation. Here is the text in Turkish (More insights will follow)
Yeni İklim Rejimi ve Türkiye
15 Temmuz 2015, Çarşamba, Zaman Gazetesi
Türkiye’nin yeni iklim rejiminde geçmişte yaşanan stratejik sorunların tekrar etmesini istemiyorsak değişimin anahtarı iklim politikası yapıcılarının elinde. OECD ve G-20 üyesi, AB aday ülkesi Türkiye aralık ayında 21. Taraflar Konferansı’nda (COP21) netleşecek yeni iklim rejiminde yer almalı. Bu da enerji, madencilik ve kentleşme gibi son yıllara damga vuran ekolojik ihtilafların sebeplerine dikkatli bir bakış gerektiriyor.